Jacaerys Velaryon was the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, reigning from 135 to 165 AC.
Jacaerys the Brilliant, as he became to be known, managed to extinguish the flames of tension from his mother's rise in the Dance of the Dragons, as well as handled the Targaryen Invasion, with shocking proficiency. Bringing Dorne into the Seven Kingdoms, he placated any signs of Dornish unrest or ambitions for independence, with striking success.
Appearance and Character[]
Like his brothers, Lucerys and Joffrey, Jacaerys had brown hair and eyes, and a pug nose. He was politically savvy, responsible, charismatic and greatly competent in statecraft.
In order to ensure the Greens and Blacks would not fall in conflict again, Jacaerys had to engage in adept politics to prevent his realm from fracturing. Two major Greens were given court appointments, Lord Loreon Lannister himself and a man of the Stormlands for House Baratheon. The Hightower's too were appeased with a royal marriage intended to keep the peace in the Reach.
In turn the Blacks protested, having supported Rhaenyra during the war, they expected more of the spoils. Jace managed to stymie this by providing the rest of the Small Council for prominent Black supporters, alongside easing their tax obligations for a brief time.
One of the rather important accomplishments of his reign was the end of the Vengeful Hours, a period of on and off brutal, cyclical warfare between the Iron Islands and the Westerlands. These conflicts were typically not prolonged campaigns but singular attacks of intense violence, usually in retaliation for the last act of warfare that began with the death of the Red Kraken.
After the most recent act of retaliation in 139 AC, which was conducted by the Ironborn as a response to an attack and massacre on Great Wyk by House Farman, Jacaerys finally intervened.
He had spent the last two years gathering an army in order to enforce a peace between both powers and prior years had been spent on managing the Blacks and Greens. His force of ten thousand strong arrived near Crakehall and called Lords Greyjoy and Lannister under a banner of truce.
Singers claimed it took seven days (for the Seven Gods) to negotiate a suitable peace, though this is merely a fabrication. The negotiations took only four days. The terms of the treaty ended the cycle of ever increasing violence caused by the Red Kraken. Large indemnities were paid, prisoners exchanged and betrothals promised, although very few of them actually occurred. The Ironborn and Westerman were restricted from warfare for at least twelve years, and a large payment of gold allowed the Ironborn to go without raiding for some time.
Curiously, an interesting instance of love developed outside of the failed planned marriages, when a daughter of one of Lord Lannister's brothers eloped with Lord Greyjoy's cousin. Both houses were furious and almost came to blows but King Jacaerys once again prevented war, via skillful diplomacy.
Afterwards, Jacaerys Velaryon continued his rule over Westeros, managing to extinguish the flames of tension from the Dance a considerable amount, and with shocking proficiency. However, his almost unhealthy dedication towards the governance of the Realm led to neglect for other parts of his life: in particular, his firstborn and heir, Monterys Velaryon, suffered greatly from the negligence of his father, entrusted, instead, to the many tutors of King's Landing.
After Daeron's death, he faced and repelled an invasion from his son, Aegon Velaryon. The conflict ultimately resulted in white peace, with Dorne integrating into the Seven Kingdoms after Aegon's Invasion.
Upon the conclusion of the conflict, King Velaryon turned his attention to Dorne. He arranged a marriage with one of his daughters and the new Prince Martell. The next last four years of his life were spent placating the Dornish aristocracy to quell any signs of unrest or ambitions for independence, and he was met with striking success. King Jacaerys Velaryon passed in his sleep in 165 AC, at the age of fifty-one. His name would be echoed alongside that of Jaehaerys the Conciliator, remembered forever as Jacaerys the Brilliant. His son, Monterys Velaryon, rose to the throne.