Robin Darklyn was the lord of Duskendale, and leader of a long, brutal rebellion against King Maelor.
Lord Darklyn, an accomplished statesman and renowned general, served briefly as Master of Laws during King Monterys's reign. He was well respected when King Maelor took his crown. But those that knew him well knew his fiery ambition. Passed over for the position of Hand to the King twice, Lord Robin would make his political intentions known by marrying his daughter to Lord Lannister's son, igniting the conflict that would come to be known as Darklyn's Rebellion.
Appearance and Character[]
Besides being a commander of some repute, Lord Robin always had the physique of a warrior, something he retained even in his later years.
Though a devious politicker and a trickster, he was no coward, marked by courage in many conflicts. Charismatic and less heavy handed than Maelor, Darklyn knew how to make friends with those his monarch had slighted.
During Staedmon's Folly, Maelor insisted on his personal involvement in the war, overruling even the objections of Lord Darklyn, an old and seemingly loyal commander to the Crown. Instead of being granted the full control of the army as he'd thought, the man was given merely half. Grudgingly, he resigned to his fate and marched for the Stormlands with five thousand soldiers behind his back, while the King set for the Reach with a host of nearly the same size.
Lord Darklyn also served as a commander under Maelor during the Greyiron's War.
In 195 AC, Robin launched a conflict that would be known as the greatest (and last) revolt of Maelor's reign - Darklyn's Rebellion. After two years of brutal fighting, he was defeated in a decisive battle at Harrenhal, himself unceremoniously executed by Maelor Velaryon.